Camp Grace
Hasbro Children’s Hospital’s Camp Grace is a day camp for children between the ages of four and seven with life-altering, chronic illness, and their siblings. This program is generously funded by The Del Vecchio Fund.
Camp Grace Gallery
View the smiles, games, dancing, kids, and counselors from the inaugural year of Camp Grace.
The annual four-day camp, held at Hasbro Children’s Hospital, was established for patients who have a serious illness, such as sickle cell disease and short bowel syndrome, and are too young to attend traditional overnight camps. The program provides kids a fun and exciting summer camp experience while considering their unique health care needs.
In its inaugural year, 11 patients and 2 siblings enjoyed various age-appropriate activities, including magic shows, yoga, arts and crafts, and dancing to live music. The camp was made possible through a generous donation to the Hasbro Children’s Hospital Child Life department.
Camp Grace is run by the Child Life staff and experienced volunteer counselors with supervision by medical staff.
For more information please call child life services at 401-444-8279 or download our brochure (PDF).