Draw A Breath
Your child has asthma. You want to keep your child well. We can help.
The CVS/pharmacy Draw A Breath program is an innovative asthma education program for children and their parents designed to provide families with the knowledge, skills, and tools to effectively manage asthma. The group-based approach creates a unique learning environment in which families learn from, and are motivated by, each other.

For More Information
For more information about CVS/pharmacy Draw A Breath, please call 401-444-8340 or e-mail Daphne Koinis-Mitchell, PhD at dkoinismitchell@lifespan.org.
Goals of the CVS/pharmacy Draw A Breath Program
Our goals are to:
- Increase the ability of participating families to effectively manage asthma.
- Decrease visits to the emergency room and overnight hospital stays for asthma.
- Improve child and family knowledge and confidence in managing asthma so they can take effective action towards controlling it.
CVS/pharmacy Draw A Breath is the largest asthma education program in Rhode Island. Since Fall 2000, CVS/pharmacy Draw A Breath has served more than 800 children and their families.
Draw A Breath was established through donations from CVS/pharmacy, the Van Allsburg Family and the Rhode Island Foundation, and is currently supported by reimbursement from health insurance plans.
CVS/pharmacy Draw A Breath is a project of the Community Asthma Programs at Hasbro Children's Hospital. The Community Asthma Programs operates a range of educational programming for children with asthma and their families, including Asthma Camp and parent support groups.