Stroke and Cerebrovascular Diseases Local Resources
The Comprehensive Stroke Center at Rhode Island Hospital offers stroke support groups for stroke survivors and concerned caregivers, with in-person and virtual options to attend.
Stroke Support Group
The Comprehensive Stroke Center at Rhode Island Hospital offers a stroke support group for stroke survivors and concerned caregivers, open to the public (in-person or via ZOOM), every second Wednesday of the month from 6 - 7:30 p.m.
Learn more and register for the Stroke Support Group
The Comprehensive Stroke Center at Rhode Island Hospital offers a stroke support group for stroke survivors and concerned caregivers, open to the public (in-person or via Zoom), every second Wednesday of the month from 6 to 7:30 p.m.
Stroke survivors have specialized needs and interests as they adapt to post-stroke living. To help facilitate that transition, we offer a support group for stroke survivors and their caregivers to help overcome the challenges of life after stroke.
Our group offers a safe and supportive environment allowing participants the comfort and ability to share social and emotional support to those sharing similar experiences. To assist in providing wellness to the stroke community, we invite guest speakers to provide an educational presentation on various topics of interest for members and caregivers.
Take advantage of the educational resources offered; addressing local resources, practical tips to improving quality of life, effective coping strategies, ways to prevent a recurring stroke and much more.
Each session includes an open group discussion led by Elaine McDonald, clinical social worker.
Ambulatory Patient Center (APC)
110 Lockwood St., 10th Floor
Conference Room
Providence, RI 02903
Free parking is available in the APC parking lot, with access to this conference room.
Join virtually, via Zoom
Register and Learn More
For more information, and to get the Zoom log-in information, please contact Nakeesha Brown at 401-444-8237 or by email at
The Stroke Caregiver Support Group
The Rhode Island Hospital Comprehensive Stroke Center and Just A.S.K. will be hosting a virtual support group for caregivers of stroke survivors every third Wednesday of the month from 6 - 7 p.m. via ZOOM.
Learn more and register for the Stroke Caregiver Support Group
The Rhode Island Hospital Comprehensive Stroke Center and Just ASK will be hosting a virtual support group for caregivers of stroke survivors every third Wednesday of the month from 6 to 7 p.m. via Zoom.
The support group will provide caregivers with a safe, confidential environment to discuss the stresses, challenges, and rewards of providing care for a loved one.
An open discussion will be led by Elaine McDonald, clinical social worker.
Register and Learn More
For more information, and to get your Zoom log-in information, please contact Nakeesha Brown at 401-444-8237 or by email at
Stroke Support Groups and Resources
Support Groups in Rhode Island
American Heart Association
222 Richmond Street, Suite 108
Providence, RI 02903 [map]
East Bay RSVP Stroke Club
East Providence Senior Center/Breed Hall
610 Waterman Avenue
East Providence, RI 02914 [map]
Meets 1st Tuesday every month at 1:30 p.m.
Hispanic Stroke Club
St. Martin DePorres
160 Cranston Street
Providence, RI 02907 [map]
Offered in English and Spanish
Contact Esther at 401-274-6783
Meets 2nd Wednesday of every month
at 1 p.m. (except for July and August)
Smoking Cessation
800-879-8678 (English)
800-833-5356 (Spanish)
Online resource providing support on the phone, in person or on the web in quitting smoking.
Support Groups in Massachusetts
SouthCoast Stroke Support Group
Autumn Glen Assisted Living
239 Cross Road,
North Dartmouth, MA 02747
Please call Veronica Robdou at 508-961-5769 or SouthCoast group operator at 508-984-0200 if planning on attending.
Meets 3rd Wednesday of the month 4-5:30 p.m. An educational and support group for patients, caregivers and friends.
Jordan Hospital Stroke Center
275 Sandwich Street
Boynton Conference Room (ground level)
Plymouth, MA 02360
Contact Inpatient Rehab Hospital at 508-830-2920 for further information. Meets 1st Thursday of the month 12:30-2 p.m.
The Stroke Survivors Club
Callahan Center
535 Union Ave
Framingham, MA 0170
Contact Social Services Department at 508-532-5980
Meets 1st Monday of the month at 1 p.m.
Northeastern University Aphasia and Stroke Recovery
Behrakis Health Science Center
Suite 503
30 Leon Street
Boston, MA 02115
Offers patient therapy only during the spring and fall university semesters. Contact Sarah Younghall, MA CC/SLP, at 617-373-2492 for further information.
Aphasia Community Group
B. U. Sargent College
635 Commonwealth Avenue
Boston, MA 02215
Meets one Saturday monthly from 11-2 pm. Social, education and advocacy for patients, family and friends. For further information contact Jerry Kaplan, SLP, at 617-353-9687 or
Also offered are a variety of group classes for 6-8 people during the summer, fall and spring. Modest charge for these groups that meet weekly.
Boston Acquired Brain Injury Group (BABIS)
Spaulding Rehab Hospital, Room 8A/B
125 Nashua Street
Boston, MA 02114
Sally Johnson: 617-573-2539
Meets 1st Saturday every month from 10-12 p.m.
(No meeting in July)
Although not specifically for stroke survivors this group can help with cognitive and memory challenges. At the same time but in Room 8C there is a Family Caregiver Group meeting with Facilitator.
Aphasia Community Group
B.U. Sargent College
635 Commonwealth Avenue
Boston, MA 02215
For further information contact Jerry Kaplan, SLP 617-353-9687 or
Social, education and advocacy for patients, family and friends.
Meets one Saturday monthly 11 a.m.-2 p.m. Also offered are a variety of group classes for 6-8 people during the summer, fall and spring. Modest charge for these groups that meet weekly.
Further information contact Elizabeth Hoover 617-353-8967 or
Spaulding Stroke Club
Spaulding Rehab Hospital
125 Nashua Street, 8th Floor, Rooms 8A/8B
Boston, MA 02114
Karen Halfon 617-573-7143
Socialization and education programs.
Meets 2nd Wednesday of every month
from 3-4:30 p.m.