IPC in the Community
4-Safety and Seats 4 Safety Programs
4-Safety raises awareness and educates families about a variety of injury prevention topics including safe sleep, bike safety, water safety and much more. Seats 4 Safety focuses specifically on child passenger safety and holds many seat check events in the community.
Injuries are a significant public health concern and are a leading cause of death across all 50 states. Injuries can result in significant pain and disability and often require a vast amount of health care resources to treat. Like other diseases, injuries can be prevented and controlled.
Hosting Community Events
4-Safety & Seats 4 Safety host events, which focus on different injury topics. Safety topics are chosen based on hospital injury data and community data. Our staff visits each event in our community vans.
Child Passenger Safety Certification Courses
The Injury Prevention Center is the lead agency for the Rhode Island Coalition of Safe Kids Worldwide. The Safe Kids Rhode Island Coalition conducts child passenger safety certification courses, as well as renewal courses each year. Interested in becoming a certified child passenger safety technician? Find out more child passenger safety certification .