Pediatric Primary Care Immediate Care
If you are considering taking your child to an urgent care facility please call us first. We may be able to save you a trip or direct you to the most appropriate facility. Some insurance plans require prior authorization. If we are not notified prior to the visit, you may be responsible for the bill. If your child was seen at one of these facilities, please call us for any follow-up that is needed. It is not appropriate to return to these facilities for follow-up care.
Important: If you are experiencing symptoms that require emergency services, please go to your nearest ER or call 911.

How to Contact Us
For our Lincoln office, please call our regular office number at 401-334-4021.
For our North Attleboro office, please call 508-699-8444.
Nurse Telephone Triage
Through the night you may be directed by the answering service to call Nurse Telephone Triage. This is a nursing service we provide to help with late night phone calls. A physician is always available if needed. We do partner with Blackstone Valley Pediatrics in Cumberland, RI, for our weekend phone coverage. Our answering service will direct you to call their office number when appropriate.