Pediatric Primary Care Availability
During Office Hours
During weekdays, messages are taken and relayed to our nurse. She will return your call in a timely fashion and address any concerns or questions that you have. If you need to speak to a physician, we will return you call as our schedules permit. We often need to catch up on calls at lunchtime, dinnertime, or early evening.

Contact Us
Telephone coverage is available 24-7 for our patients.
Lincoln Pediatrics: 401-334-4021
North Attleboro Pediatrics: 508-699-8444
After-Hours (for emergencies only): 401-334-4021
After Hours
Lifespan Physician Group Pediatric Primary Care provides 24-7 telephone coverage for our patients. Call 401-334-4021 and push zero when you hear the voice recording. Leave your call-back information with our answering service. The following suggestions would help us to serve you more efficiently:
- After-hours telephone usage should be restricted to emergencies only. Routine advice, laboratory results, and prescription refills should be done during our normal office hours.
- Please give us one phone number where we can reach you. Multiple phone numbers are not practical due to the volume of calls we must return.
- Please keep the phone line free so we may return your call. We try to call back within the hour and busy phone lines prevent us from providing prompt service.
- Please have your caller ID turned off. We ask you to respect the privacy of the numbers that we’re using to return your call.
- When your call is returned, please state the name, age of the child, and a brief description of your concern.
- Please have a pharmacy number handy and have an approximation of your child’s weight. It is also helpful to give us an exact description of the medicines that your child is currently receiving. Have a back-up 24-hour pharmacy number as well.
- If you are having any problems with the answering service or have any suggestions for us to improve our telephone coverage please let us know.
Urgent/Immediate Care
If you are considering taking your child to an urgent care facility please call us first. We may be able to save you a trip or direct you to the most appropriate facility. Some insurance plans require prior authorization. If we are not notified prior to the visit, you may be responsible for the bill. If your child was seen at one of these facilities, please call us for any follow-up that is needed. It is not appropriate to return to these facilities for follow-up care.
Important: If you are experiencing symptoms that require emergency services, please go to your nearest ER or call 911.
When you need to contact us after hours, please call our regular office number at 401-334-4021 and push the number one when you hear the voice recording. When you hear the second voice recording, push zero. You will then be transferred to our answering service where you can give the pertinent call back information.
At times you may be directed by the answering service to call Nurse Telephone Triage. This is a nursing service we provide to help with late night phone calls. A physician is always available if needed. We do partner with Blackstone Valley Pediatrics in Cumberland, RI, for our weekend phone coverage. Our answering service will direct you to call their office number when appropriate.