Research and Clinical Trials
Resources at HRPP for Members
IRB Member Responsibilities
Role and Authority
IRB members will:
- Conduct scientific and ethical review of research involving human subjects in accordance with the regulations and institutional policies.
- Protect the rights and welfare of individuals who are participating as subjects in research.
- Approve, require modifications (to secure approval), or disapprove of research.
- Act as the direct arm of the federal government when it comes to the protection of human subjects.

Interested In Becoming an IRB Member?
Express interest in becoming a member of Lifespan's Institutional Review Board.

Research, Ethics, and Compliance Training
Collaborative institutional training initiative (CITI) training and education:
Human Health Services (HHS) Considerations for Reviewing Human Subjects Research Training
View considerations at the Office for Human Research Protection
HHS Training Checklist for Working with IRBs
View the list of Office for Human Research Protection resources