Bradley Hospital
Leaders in mental health care for children for 90 years

Bradley Hospital Facts and Statistics

Statistics are from fiscal year 2023. A comprehensive statistical and financial performance listing is available in our most recent Annual Report.

  • Year founded: 1931
  • Year joined Lifespan: 1996
  • Employees: 688
  • Affiliated physicians: 74
  • Licensed beds: 70

Patient Care

  • Patient discharges: 780
  • Outpatient visits: 2,622
  • Home health care visits: 2,717


($ in thousands)

  • Total assets: $146,724
  • Net patient service revenue: $85,886
  • Research funding revenue: $8,956

Total Cost of Charity Care and Other Community Benefits

($ in thousands)

  • Charity care: $33
  • Medical education, net: $1,650
  • Research: $1,567
  • Subsidized health services: $2,798
  • Community health improvement services and community benefit operations: $114
  • Unreimbursed Medicaid costs: $7,690
  • Total cost of charity care and other community benefits: $13,852